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Personality traits that lead to divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2018 | Divorce, Firm News |

Many couples in Nebraska file for divorce every year. While marriages end for a variety of reasons, there are several personality traits that can make getting a divorce more likely.

Blowing small incidents out of proportion is called catastrophizing. Some people may even file for a divorce over a small disagreement. In many cases, the plaintiff who filed the complaint will realize that they were overreacting and request a dismissal. Over time, however, catastrophizing can lead to marital discord.

Materialism is another common reason couples end up getting divorced. The compulsive need to acquire items to impress others can easily lead to financial distress. When one spouse earns more than the other, this can lead to disagreements about how money is spent.

Not surprisingly, narcissism is a common trait that can cause marriages to fail. Narcissists tend to play the victim when there is an argument and refuse to view themselves at fault. A person who believes their partner is always to blame is unlikely to want to work on recurring problems that arise.

Consistently avoiding arguments can take a toll on a marriage as well. Marriages require a lot of focus, dedication and hard work. When one partner does not want to discuss any problems, important disagreements may go unresolved.

A person facing the end of a marriage may benefit from consulting a divorce attorney. While a lawyer will not tell a client to divorce, they could provide valuable guidance about the process. Many divorces end with a settlement agreement. The good thing about an agreement is that both sides know what is going to happen. Unfortunately, easy settlements are not always possible. If an agreement cannot be reached, litigation may be necessary.