Driving under the influence (DUI) of substances is a serious offense. This is either under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In Nebraska, it’s so serious that police can lawfully station sobriety or DUI checkpoints to screen drivers for intoxication or impairment....
Criminal Defense
Drug impairment and DUIs: Alcohol isn’t the only intoxicating substance
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Nebraska; serious enough that a conviction will leave a person with a criminal record. While most people associate DUI with alcohol, it's important to realize that drug impairment can also lead to DUI charges....
Why are DUI laws stricter on underage drivers?
All drivers are responsible for operating their vehicles as safely as possible. This is why driving under the influence (DUI) of either alcohol or a controlled substance is a criminal offense in Nebraska and other U.S. states, because a drunk or intoxicated driver...
False drugs, real crime: Possession and sale of fake controlled substances
It’s no secret that the U.S. has a hardline stance against controlled substances. While illegal drugs such as heroin, peyote and Ecstasy are considered controlled substances, even certain prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs such as Ativan, Adderall,...
The problems with geofence warrants
Geofence warrants are commonly used when the police want to know who was in a given location when a crime was committed. Nebraska law enforcement authorities obtain this information by issuing a geofence warrant to a company such as Google to find out who used devices...
Can a police officer stop you and frisk you for drugs?
A police officer can stop you while you are walking or jogging on the street, but to frisk you is another question. They may ask you questions when they stop you. You should know that you can remain silent and politely refuse to respond because they can be trying to...
SCOTUS may hear arguments in case involving a police dog
Police officers in Nebraska and around the country often summon K-9 units when they believe that vehicles contain firearms, explosives or illegal drugs. Police dogs can be trained to detect tiny amounts of gunpowder or narcotics, which is why the U.S. Supreme Court...
Three widely disputed forms of so-called forensic evidence
You've likely seen television shows and movies portraying forensics as air-tight ways to uncover who committed a crime. In reality, many types of forensic science aren't as reliable as you might think. If you're facing criminal charges in Nebraska, it's important to...
ABA releases scathing plea bargain report
The Sixth Amendment gives criminal defendants in Nebraska and around the country the right to a trial before an impartial jury, but very few of them have their day in court. That is because about 98% of criminal cases in the United States are settled at the...
How reliable is the horizontal gaze nystagmus test?
The horizontal gaze nystagmus test is one of three tests that make up the standardized field sobriety tests that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration introduced in the early 1980s. It is used to help police officers in Nebraska and around the country...