After being involved in a bar-room brawl in which threats were exchanged, blows were struck and people were (not seriously) injured, you may think you will face a misdemeanor with an accompanying fine and restitution to the establishment. You may be right. But you...
Month: January 2019
Teens who share drugs can be charged with distribution
In Nebraska and throughout the United States, teens have shared recreational drugs with each other at parks, inside vehicles, and even inside homes for as long as people can remember. As communication technology has improved, this practice has only become easier....
What to know about Nebraska’s drug tax
Many people know Nebraska has some strict penalties for controlled substances. This includes lengthy jail sentences and high fines. However, what many don’t know is there is another punishment on top of these high penalties: the drug tax. What is a drug tax? The...
Is drugged driving the new drunk driving?
Law enforcement, non-profit organizations and even schools are diligent in informing individuals about the harmful effects of drunk driving. But what about drugged driving? Many people are not aware of the rules of driving with drugs in one's system. In fact, in...
Divorce rates soar in January
Law offices have historically reported a sharp increase in divorce filings on the first Monday after the holiday season. The phenomenon, sometimes referred to as Divorce Day, might be due to a new sense of urgency among dissatisfied partners. The trend seems to exist...
Nebraska struggles with heroin epidemic
Like the rest of the country, Nebraska is struggling with the opioid epidemic. Arrests continue to mount, undeterred by some of the most severe penalties in the country. In Nebraska, possession of even a small amount of heroin is a Class IV felony, subject to as many...
Joint custody is often in the child’s best interests
Divorce is tough on everyone involved. However, a separation can be especially difficult for the children. If the two parents can agree on a custody arrangement that is fair, the court will in most cases approve it. But if the couple walks into a Nebraska family law...