Nebraska's wide-open roads, especially those traversing its expansive rural areas, can create a false sense of security for drivers. But make no mistake, a DUI charge in Nebraska, whether it's alcohol or drug-related, carries severe penalties that can significantly...
How can you mitigate a DUI charge in Nebraska?
A conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) in Nebraska carries profound consequences. If convicted, you could face fines ranging from $500 to $1,000, imprisonment from 60 days to one year and license suspension from six months to two years. These penalties can...
Pointers for drivers under sobriety programs in Nebraska
Nebraska's sobriety programs can be complex but understanding them is crucial for drivers facing legal challenges. This guide aims to shed light on these programs, helping you navigate the requirements and avoid further penalties. This guide may help if you have been...
Understanding enhanced DUI sentences in Nebraska
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense. Certain circumstances can make the penalties even more severe. Knowing the factors that may lead to an enhanced DUI sentence and how these increased penalties can significantly impact your life is crucial....
Can you get a DUI in a parked car? Here’s what Nebraska law says
Driving under the influence (DUI) of substances is a serious offense. This is either under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In Nebraska, it’s so serious that police can lawfully station sobriety or DUI checkpoints to screen drivers for intoxication or impairment....
Affirmative defenses to a DUI charge
Getting charged with driving under the influence (DUI) in Nebraska can be a serious matter, but there are certain defenses that can be used in court. Some of them are known as affirmative defenses. An affirmative defense is when the defendant provides evidence that,...
Drug impairment and DUIs: Alcohol isn’t the only intoxicating substance
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Nebraska; serious enough that a conviction will leave a person with a criminal record. While most people associate DUI with alcohol, it's important to realize that drug impairment can also lead to DUI charges....
Do I qualify for an ignition interlock permit in Nebraska?
There is a wide range of penalties for drinking under the influence (DUI), which are usually proportionate to the violation's severity. Some offenses can warrant fines and jail time, depending on the circumstances. Other times, the court can order other sanctions,...
Why are DUI laws stricter on underage drivers?
All drivers are responsible for operating their vehicles as safely as possible. This is why driving under the influence (DUI) of either alcohol or a controlled substance is a criminal offense in Nebraska and other U.S. states, because a drunk or intoxicated driver...
A DUI arrest is not a guaranteed conviction
Alcohol and drugs affect a person’s ability to think clearly, yet some people can still drive safely and carefully after a glass of alcohol. Only you could know your actual tolerance. Be that as it may, it is still a crime in Nebraska to operate a motor vehicle under...