Parents quarreling during a divorce proceeding often ask the same question. Will the court favor me over my child’s other parent in child custody? Nebraska’s laws make it clear. The highest priority is to get a custody agreement that meets the best interests of the...
Month: June 2020
What happens if someone files an order of protection against you?
Domestic violence accusations carry significant weight. If someone has made them against you, they will likely come along with an order of protection. This order enforces distance between you and your accuser over a set period. Yet, if you believe their allegations...
The reasons couples in Nebraska are choosing ‘gray divorce’
Older married people do not have to stay married just because they have been together for 30, 40 or even 50 years. These days, there are more so-called "gray divorce" cases in the U.S. than ever before, though the term was invented around 2004. Everyone who files for...
Understanding the logistics of breath testing devices
The hand-held breath testing device is undoubtedly the near-universal symbol of a drunk driving conviction. Almost everyone in Lincoln likely understands that should they find themselves in the position of blowing into such a device, law enforcement officials plan to...
Can I move out of state with my children after a divorce?
Life tends to become more complicated when you divorce and have children. Custody and time-sharing agreements dictate much of what you can and cannot do with your children. For example, there are limitations on whether or not you can move and take your children with...