A police officer in Lincoln, Nebraska, has the right to pull over a person they suspect of intoxicated driving. However, what if the car is already pulled over to the side of the road or parked? Drivers may wonder if they can get arrested for a DUI while sleeping in a...
Month: November 2021
Why you should avoid conflict in jail
If you are in jail, many stressors are likely surrounding you. Other inmates, personnel and the building itself can make it difficult to think rationally. On top of this, you may feel that you have nothing to lose. No matter how drab the present feels, it is important...
How child support is calculated in Nebraska
Noncustodial parents around the country are required to pay child support to ensure their children receive the financial support they need and prevent them from becoming burdens on the government. Parents in Nebraska can negotiate their own child support agreements...
Documents you will need for a child custody case
Parents in Nebraska know that family dynamics can never be fully understood by a family court judge. However, if you are involved in a child custody dispute, you need to help the judge understand as much about your relationship with your child as possible. That means...